Munchkins. Little people. Kids.
As i said, I'm a mom and so other than the blue sky and nature which i'm
addicted to .. i find myself surrounded by children and it's hard to
not turn the camera at them now and then. In fact, it started becoming a
bit of a challenge.
What kind of kid's photography would appeal to
people? I could easily make personal memory shots, but what if I had to
speak out to others about the joys of childhood or motherhood even? I
still find myself lagging behind in terms of visual technique to some of
the amazing iPhoneographers out on Instagram, but i am glad to have
evolved from my original attempts.
of the best ways i found to highlight my kids was to use a THEME.
Suddenly, shots at the dentist, and at play became a way to capture the
magic of childhood for everyone (^^)
Dream .. anything is possible for the heart without boundaries | |
The most important thing is to eNjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters ~ Audrey Hepburn |
I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else ~ Pablo Picasso |
The heart at play .. always finds a way to smile |
Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment ~ Rumi ✫ |
dreaMing .. is taKing off into the sKy while keeping your feet on the grOund |
is one of my personal favourites. It was early evening after picking up
the older girls from school - a cool day and the playground was empty.
love to surprise my girls with the unexpected. I think life is full of
surprises, pleasant and unpleasant. And if they can somehow get used to
not knowing what to always expect ... then they won't get hit so hard by
the unforeseen unpleasant turns real life has in store ... i hope.
sweet dReams are so easy ... when you don't have to sLeep alone |
This is another
photo i am fond of. Aeriadne decided long ago that she was going to have
kids someday and that for now, her sisters are aunts to lil Willie
Bear. In fact, Willie even calls me 'grandma' sometimes.
one of those memories of childhood i know Aeriadne will cherish someday
.. and again, the Instagram 'square format' really worked well to give
me the necessary focus to make this a great shot.
Sometimes, boundaries bring out the best in us all.
it's so easy to spend most of childhood in a book .. it's almost a time-travel machine |
When I write about a 15-year old, I jump, I return to the days
when I was that age. It's like a time machine. I can remember
everything. I can feel the wind. I can smell the air. Very actually.
Very vividly. ~ Haruki Murakami |
let your imaGination be the piloT .. and watch your dReams soar |
Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is
tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to
them. I have lived a great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them
intimately, close at hand. And that hasn’t much improved my opinion of
them ~ from The Little Prince, Antoine de Sainte Exupery |
The girls were sharing chocolate in the evening sunshine.
A DSLR would have made them conscious, and made them pose. But an
iPhone is hardly noticeable in mom's hands .. and after all, she could
just be shooting the sky again. Unless of course, she was pretending to
shoot the sky and took the opportunity to catch a candid sisterly moment
Taken in a juice shop, with
a very busy wall as a background. This was before i discovered
Snapseed, and had to edit the entire photo instead of just a selective
area, hence the even faded-out look. But sometimes, fading out the
entire shot gives it a pastel, vintage feel .. and creates a better mood
for a memory.
If you are into vintage and pastels that is :)

postcards were a real leap in creating childhood memories. They were
made using an app called LineCamera. It's very simple and
straightforward, combining the use of filters, tuning and frames in a
very handy yet powerful interface.
I think if you have more time, App Stacking (combining edits from
various apps) is great. However, if you have limited time and want a
memory captured in style, simple apps that allows it all in one place
can be a very satisfying quickie!
love the way LineCamera allowed me to create these cute postcards. It
made many people smile, especially my little models. I love the clarity
LineCamera provides while allowing a low contrast option.
Finding LineCamera finally allowed me to start experimenting with stories in my attempt at childhood photography.
shot is a classic example of why i love mobile editing. The resolution
and lighting was poor. However, cropping it into a square and editing it
into a cute kawaii postcard completely saved the day by making it into a
totally memorable moment - which it was !
My little dreamer requested for a helium balloon to walk through the
mall. "I just want to take a balloon for a walk .. and i can't really do
that at home," was what she said. Totally true!
And so we got the balloons and we had our walk .. and when i look
back at this photo 15 years from now, i'll recall that i was the kind
of mom who supports frivolous dreams .. that build and affirm my
children :)
oPen arms .. oPen heaRt .. for all things gReen ~ Ballad of the Nature Lover
My favourite little model .. in one
of my all time favourite shots. You see, aside from children .. another
passion of mine is trees, and this shot was the perfect combination of
There's just so much magic when you bring a child outdoors .. and
iPhonegraphy really is a great way to be spontaneous and capture some
really special moments !
i want to be in the LiGht .. i will hoLd it burNing bright .. in my hands and in my heaRt
we are all heRe for the adventure called liFe and ultimateLy .. a fRiend is juSt the greateSt comfoRt zone through it all |